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Monday, June 15, 2009

Curse Them or Caress Them

I’ve been sweating the rabbits lately, can’t help it. They be eye‘in my greens, if you know-what-I-mean?! But they’re cute. Damn it. Curse them or caress them? Depends on the day.

I looked out the window yesterday and saw a bunny there in the driveway eating crabgrass…basically doing my yardwork for me! Yes! They can eat ALL the crabgrass they want! “Try the poison ivy while you’re at it.”

But then, this evening while I’m plucking the cucumbers and checking on the ‘maters, I see a huddle of fur balls with big black eyes peering out of the dense foliage. Oh boy did I have some evil thoughts. I ended up chasing them, 5 of them, around the garden in all different directions until they each squeezed through the fence and out into the yard. I made them each promise to eat a section of crabgrass.

I think one of them laughed at me.


Anonymous said...

Elmer Fud would say, "I'm huntin wabbits, it's wabbit huntin season." Good luck with them then can be a true pain.

jaysonwithaY said...

Anonymous, I feel just like Fud sometimes...Bugs always getting the best of me.