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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Find Your Peak

There was a light steady breeze outside the window as I was writing this. The sound was a rustling of leaves. As I watched the descending flutter, I thought back to midweek when I had mentioned to Heather my observation that fall color had peaked at precisely 1:40 pm on Wednesday as I was driving between Chapel Hill and Hillsborough NC. That got a good laugh…which was mostly the objective. However, I wasn’t completely making it up. I didn’t think it could have been more picturesque than at that very moment. Of course I was wrong.

But isn’t that what we do? We declare and define. Heck, we post Fall Color Timetables in our local newspapers and on the Weather channel. We are often wrong but usually only by degrees. I kind of like that way of thinking and planning as it relates to nature. If it gets people excited about the outdoors I’m for it. (I’m not necessarily for being behind a long slow line of RVs trudging up the winding inclines of the Blue Ridge Mountains…but when I get up to the lookouts I’m more forgiving)

This Autumn, Heather and I got to see the colors change in six states thanks to our visit with her parents in Pennsylvania. There, fall settled roughly 3 weeks ahead of North Carolina. Such stark regional differences remind me of the diversity of place both near and far. They were dotted with ruby reds while we were aglow in yellows. The differences were obvious but now I'm noticing our similarities too.

As I made my way home later in the day this past Wednesday, I turned the corner at the base of Occoneechee Mountain where there, overlooking the still-green field, shivered a candy-red maple at its peak of color at 4:42 pm.
Find your peak of beauty…then find another one!

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