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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Garden and Yard Update

Feeling a bit restless early Saturday morning, I decided to finally address the weeds in the recent, rain soaked softness of the vegetable garden. In 2 hours time I managed to pluck two thirds of the entire weedy mess. Then the sun rose above the trees and the heat and humidity drove me back inside (it is Labor Day weekend after all…don’t want to work too hard). So, what else remains in the garden? Three bean plans have a total of about 9 drying bean pods. Ten carrots sit amongst a yet-to-be-weeded plot of weeds. Fifteen diminutive cornstalks, of a second planting, hardly rise above the snaking watermelon vines. Resting on the vines are two cannonball size melons. Five okra stalks stand about 5 feet tall, now spired with multiple pods. Tomatoes continue to droop and drop; a few burst after the tropical deluge, midweek. Arugula remains the lone green leaf in the garden, since I neglected to start new lettuce. I pulled the squashes and cucumbers (the squashes because they looked tired, and the cucumbers because we’ve had our fill). Leeks are still green. The sunflower, huge, now follows the force of gravity. I’ll cut it soon.

A walk around the yard revealed the late summer wild blooms.

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